Deserted Cities

Wandering through documented history, I'm beginning to understand why ancient civilizations abandoned civilization. It no longer served it's purpose as a centre of knowledge and power.

All those marvellous architecturally superb monuments supposedly erected in worship of the Sun God, all those impressively wide long causeways directed towards the cities of monoliths and megaliths, all those hidden tombs and impossibly precise structures attributed to worship and ceremony.

And the hundreds of explorers, archaeologists, star gazers, prophets (but very few engineers), who relished the opportunity to promote their explanations are only babes in the woods suckled on the branches of educated ignorance and philosophy and claiming to be of reason.

Come and take a walk with me, and wander through some of the architectual monsters that haunt our history.  

Do not be deceived by the incessant ramblings of ignorant illiterate soothsayers, they are instuments of the meglomaniac minority and partake the rewards of inconsequenial ghosts of media.

Beware of your masks, they are are symbol of your submission and the lust you yearn to exert and thrust on the other sex. This realm seeks to become more real than your morality and your fame will never eclipse the obnoxious reality of your being here.

There is little you have to contribute to the wealth of mankind, it was well said and done with reason and aplomb many hundreds of years prior to your meaningfull waste of oxygen so wished better spent by a world so deplete of meaning.

Your devil is in the detail that you forgot to mention in your resume', the truth you forgot to note of yourself, the inner demon you would wish the world to ignore, and as you so wish it would.

But your ill-deserved fifteen minutes of fame is wasted with nill content and nill soul, you are all skin exposing your netherlands to scrutiny of all, and the all you have to offer is as meaningfull as semen spread on a blanket - it sticks but it can't come clean.

Expose yourself in the belief of recognition, a false demon as your disguise. You are not a god, your are not a demon, you lack the essential spirit of your soul, you have been deceived and tortured, tainted and sold, played and become a mould. 

Oh, but what am I, a simple complainant against the ceaseless machinations of this earthly realm, and I pass into the past with barely a contemplated whimper in your significanct contemplation of all this worth, and I am barely a whisper in your realm, only a sweat in the moment you awake with a memory of a nightmare you wonder how it pointed to all your your failings as a human being.

But you are, and you live, with all the demons coursing within your original sin.