Why are you Wearing a Seatbelt - Pt.2


Dear Sczitdamn,

I read your last post and your original post about seatbelts and I would like to add my observations ;

I did not wear my seltbelt today. I never wear a seatbelt. I wear clothes and undies and socks and an attitude which is blatantly unsuitable for this new age ambivelance.

If ideas possesssed a 'use by' date mine would be obselescant.

The world is not for the young, the world is for the innocent - those untainted by failure and dissappointment, those pathetic slivers of skin masquerading as humans and fuelled by the lure of perfection.

Entropy is the natural process of balancing human will against random idocy. If I balance on my head it should not affect my thoughts but only my blood flow. Why must I contend with gravity, it only distinguishes my toes from my head. 

And yet I am always at that mercy of things falling down, probably my legacy from birth - why am I always falling down. Why not fall up? Damn this orbiting concentric motion. I cannot escape.

But dear reader, I cannot understand that if I take all things as being a conclusion then why is only the ending important and not the process - hence gravity. 


Stupidity rules, serendipity tries, skin covers, soul subdues.

Buddha says : All that we are is the result of what we have thought.

Please don't go all evolutionary and emotional. You and me are only sperm that did not get wasted on the blanket of love. We crawled and scraped and trod and slaved all the way to the top. And it was a hard jouney upwards and beyond, sourcing the barrier, seeking a meaning, striving to be more than a sumptious morsel of sin squirming in the realm of finality.

If gravity was not, there would be no need for women to elevate their thighs after fucking to encourage the little one sperm of millions to migrate towards satisfactory mindless procreation.

Fuck gravity. The little sperm fuckers resist negative downward motion and are even more significant for their immunity to tight undies, alcohol and doonas' and common sense. Jeez, why the hell would I wish to perpetuate failure as an alternative.

If the universe really had a plan, it should have put the cunt midway up the skull, between the eyebrows and the brain, gravity would do the rest.

But no, the Darwin perception of evolution takes precedence over ideas that we only fuck because of lust -The fittest don't really survive - they just pass their sperm to an ovul and hope to hell that the swim was worth the result.

Alas, the poor little fuckers have no idea what is up or down - they just want to squirm and make their prescence known - they have no comprehension of gravity - they know shit - except that they must swim upwards. Thus a human, perplexed with ignorance and yet governed by orbits.


Shit falls down; arseholes are in your bottom not your top. For half of your time the earth spends its orbit upside down. A coin is heavier than a note and yet it hits the ground at the same time if both were dropped at a distance. 

There is no down, there is no up..........so why am I continually striving to improve? If I turned on my head and up would be down, sperm would still swim upwards.

Up, down, improvement, satisfaction ..... are terms that signify acceptance and approval.

As a casual reader I accept your premise but am reluctant to accept your passion.

And that my friend is why you will die. Prone in a box or burnt to the earth, you will no longer matter.
