Message to the Deaf

My Dog is a capital God

He cannot wipe his own bum

Twenty figures to balance on as he tic tacs along the floorboards

Announcing his arrival with a polite warning

That he is here 

And his motive I do understand

That he needs to shit in the bushes away from me

But on occassion he must display his faeces to me or I will trip over his turds

As spongy shit between my toes he reminds me of what i did not attend to.

And nor can he

He needs not to wipe his arse or think

He has no need to drink nought 'cept water

He appreciates me wiping his bum

But I struggle to see the purpose of unwrapping a roll of paper

When my dog will drop his shit and not appreciate how annoying he is

I rellish the smell  of discord as it wiggles my concsience

And I need to wallow

In your sewer.



Today I was annoyed by the inconsequences and decided that my complaints are worthless.

I have blathered and foamed hoping that suddenly the universe will appear in my favour.

Alas i know it is fucked but i still bat away dmons.

I no longer assign myself any significance other than my strength to resist.


And i wallow in a sewer of their discards that have no smell.

How does that exist while i proudly wipe the gravel-shit from my arse.

And you are only the paper that wipes my tool

You are only an instruction for my success.


Begone you demons, begone your souls.

Go wherelse but here, you are not welcome 

You have a poison that reduces my capacity to care.

But I doubt you will care, but i do.


Be gone demons, be gone reality  

I have no care for how you suffer

I have no care for how you bleed

I wonder why you even need to breathe.


China Fingers

There was a time after the A bomb when the allegiance of national allies seeking a compromise became a ' suck my dick contest '.

China was not, Japan was portrayed as the enemy, Russians were cold and since 1932 there was a thing called television.

But there was also Radio, and alcohol and opium.

The East India Tea Company facilitated the movement of tea in exchange for drugs.

English Admiralty created a passport for corruption.

I am manicalled to a post.

In somewhere near the year 1620 there was an economic disaster known as the Tulip Wars.

Stocks of flowers that were not available were floated on the pretense of profitable inflation.

This was a new manouvre successfully adopted as a decoy that determined the wealth of others but neglected to address your significant influence.

There was a guy way back in the 1700's who rorted the law and the established monarchy.

A damned champion of mastering social weakness. 

Which reminds me of how powerless I feel to seem to be.

Current society allows me to be legally drunk and legally mentally incpacitated but there is no meter to gauge how particularly emotionally violent I can be.

What is wrong - what is right ?

History is written by the victorious because they have restricted access to freedom.

How to compete is incomprehehsible to anyone who cannot spell or share thoughts.

Malthaus was possibly right in that anyone who could not exert their power should be extinct.

Too many people, not enough food.

But he did not promote manipulation or eradication of lesser species.

He supported a theory of evolution - that only the strong will survive.

Bacteria feeds on devolution - entropy, decay and insignificance.

And yet it survives. 

Such a simple brain programed to kill - but with significant disretion.

It will immobilise you and render you impotent.

Genes and lust are bad bed companions.

And welcome to the 22nd century.






Now let me explain this to you

It's  a Buffalo Avacado sandwich

I can't decide my choice based on mis-information

Please he said let me explain this to you

And I thought I should haul this beanie wearing righteous dude over the counter and just help myself

So I listened  as he explained

A Buffalo Avocado and other miscellaneous crap sandwich does not come in a half.

Do you want a full sandwhich or only half ?

I only want one sandwich

And he takes pains to extract the platter of two halves from display

and he shows me two unequal halves

and I wonder why they are of unequal size and am I alowed to pick the bigger.

So I choose the bigger and wonder how much purchasing power the next eater has left.

It's apparent to me the guy has a degree in sandwich delivery

and I have a mere Diploma and Degree in knowledge

Unfortunately I have enough sense to not do retail, I am a destructor not a constructor.

But it was his kingdom and he had attended the Macca's school of :

'Do you want fries with that' 

Which requires little knowledge but sufficient training to be a pain in the arse and not actually take my order but actually have the gall to suggest that my request is somehow imprecise.

Which it is becauase I really wanted to say have you been circumcised yet

I want a sandwich and I probably need to ask for butter

But no, I have choices - is that light dairy soft pasture grown english or curry

Do I want it cooked do I want to take away do I want coffee with that 

I wonder if the menu includes dragging him out onto the footpath and inflict wounds

or should I relent and just ripp off his beanie, stand on the coumter and piss on it.

Maybe that would be too nazi-like, I should indulge him

It's a training program and I am not enrolled.

It is wonderfull that maggots have no urge except to scavange

and yet I'm reluctant to have their icky smelly stain on my shoe after I step

and I regret having to kill lesser things that have no satisfaction within their soul and yet disturb mine.



The Curse - A Eulogy

       I asked my friend and await his reply

he could not answer and I'd like to know why, was it death or another.

If he is gone please employ a suitable replacement that can at least adjust the ledger, maybe one who can add and detract, one who can spell and talk and just walk with me.

My legs are in surgery and they may never recover from the purpose of kicking shit along hallways.

Dreams only become a daymare escaping me from night, stretches of blood staining my progress.

And he as a friend did what, or did not and I will gladly carry the burden of his insignificance to his grave.

Forgive him Lord for he was to me, a pathetic soul bagaging demons to be strong.

      Alas the poor cunt kept on bleeding until the puss and pain flowed through his cell and nought a bandage to his soul did it be 'cept a partial remedy.

Oh mercifull god you are not, yet you sacrifice your son to appease your aggressors and display your submission.

Why were you not there, was it too hard to attend, or were you fucking virgins for blood.

You are a slut to wisdom and not caring of administering your wrath to those who deserve it, you found it necessary to watch your son die wearing a nappy.

And I suffer your dispense.




Succintly Discrete 1 - 12

I am so relieved that I've found a cap for my saucepan.

It's bothered me to sleeplessness

Maybe I could  talk slower so you could be more comfortable on a lower shelf, I'd rather you breathe.

Take a breath between words, comprehension may not be your forte'.

One breath :

I am a fat mexican of Spanish heritage trying to be American.

But I invaded this land with religon bannered

I am a consquistodor weilding a baton blessed by god. Damn you descendants of an ape.

I came here in four ships, one was lost, one was confused, one carried the treasure and one was an idiot

And I brought four legged brethen to feed me, but they escaped

The pigs relished your wild corn fields, the mice ate your seeds, my horses trampled vicinities and my religion appeared with a sword in search of gold.

The Eldorado was the Ponzi scheme of the millenium - Galileo sucks Copernicus is self centered.

Two breath :

It's in the Cola :

a - Firefox disconntinnued it's random search of sites for my entertainent - Ai at work dude !

b - Hotmail no longer is encrypted for receiver only - no longer must you be the receiver to enable decoding.

c - The bless'ed option of refusal

d - The moment I signify refusal it signifies I am open to negotiation.

e - I am so impressed I succumb

f - I'm so indebted that it hears me and no one else, only me and I am so important.

g - I masturbate but fail to come.

Three breath : 

The look :

All the USA military helicopters are named as of all the national tribes of native inhabitants successfully annihilated - Apache, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Blackhawk, Dakota.

Coca Cola won the war against herb sucking, sheet wearing, god fearing sheep hearders.


Randolp Hearst owned the majority of wood forests producing pulp for paper.

He had a friend who successfuly lobbied  a tax on print if it was produced on hemp paper.

Randolph as owning most of the forests was so pleased his ark would only be of his timber.

Unless words were printed on his pulp they would be infringed.

And thus marijuana became a tax Infringement - not actually against the law but subjected.

Not illegal to smoke but to print on.

George Washington only granted leaseholds to those who could produce hemp.

All ship sails, ropes, bindings, horse wagon coverings, whips and women's bonnets were of hemp.

Meanwhile the hemp weed proliferated along the roadsides in California as weed - though not smokable but prolific. Randolph owned all the marketable forests and only his wood pulp should be acceptable.

The whole Amerigo became industrialised and circumsised.

Negroes were still slaves but they could inhale. Abraham Lincoln continued to employ black workers as croppers whilst advocating their emancipation.

Laws were drawn and passed by congress to outlaw consumption of hemp on the basis of tax evasion.

Thus, marijuana became illegal.

Four breath :













I's sucking air, my machine needs lubrication

my bowels are bored, they have nought to do 'cept squeeze

and the smell is sweeter than your fart could ever be.


Could you be a rose, that will never be

the fertilizer you need just vanished

Seconded by a second beast.


Do what you wish and do never pass me

waste your energy on you

and stop considering all others.

Do not be a decision but become the result.





Dog Shit

     He licks his paws so clean as determined as he is

to keep the the parasites away

they have little effect and thus they are annoying.

       Determined as he is he is a success

though not by dog means he cannot judge by nose alone

he knows alone as a dog.

       He will survive weller than his master 

and accept his help according to his scent

and even though he cannot dissent he is rewarded with my approval.

       He has no conscience of original sin

he has no idea of where to begin and only mourns the lost scents of his doghood

by a smell, a lingering fragance of what was

and a cherished memory of what should have been. 

......and meanwhile I wither away with mortality and conscience.

         Blessed are the stupid for not knowing their soul.

 Ah, the smell of dog is a gracious scent delivered to the meagre.



The Average Cunt



Ah damn this, I tried to give up all my vices and no matter whatever I delete it does not dissappear.

I'd just left the house and within three steps I had encountered a cunt,

not your average cunt but a renowned cunt owning a massive clearance

on the slope of a mountain unrenowned for its peace, but plauged by infection.


He, being an average cunt occured as was his want an indiscretion 

carefully adjudicated by his lord in which I can only adjust a sponge apon my bleeding

but, alas he could not, as an animal, be the average cunt.

Mediocrity is merely a piss-ant reason for gathering food to please the queen

'tis shame my wings were clipped away at birth

I cannot even fly, I have neither the courage to breathe your poison 

my wings are merely laden with the weight of your insidious whining.

It provides little opportunity for me to paddle my boat

it gives you every opportunity to drown me

but I have a finger circling your excited zone that you open

like an envelope expecting good feelings.

But beware your indiscretions and cover your womb

you are not at all what you wish you to be

you are not me.

Please bleed and suffer all around your mound 

you do not care for the obscenity you are, you struggle to breathe

you cease to feed and you grasp for your last suck of air.


That is what you are, you pathetic suffering cunt.





Dear Neighbour

 Hey neighbour,

Did you hear that things are a changing

over shoulder boulder holders are bolder

as much as a fat thigh wiggles

like a re-master jiggles your stereo

listen up dude - the times were a' changing

It is was it is not how it was

turn up the radio old man.


Dinosaurs shit heaps and where is yours

your only stains are in the toilet and your dreams are down the drain

you have no where else to go

you have nought that you think you must know

and only false peacock feathers to show.


Anal retentive and you are too fucked to go

nursed on a teet and not a bible

cursed with a screaming birth and abandoned as not reliable

determined to suck on your tit

angry enough to eat your shit.


Welcome here you are but not in your bra

please clothe youself and be who you are

your wanton display is obscene

you only need your shoulders and thighs

to help you display your pathetic desires.


Do not judge me before your sight the ledger

of all the bodies lying on my trail

do not condemn me for my sins

I will glady hold a mirror to your cunt

but only if your actually made an effort to clear your mound.


I am your mantis and I will eat you alive

I will suck out your soul until I am satisfied

your excretions will only add to the silent sound of my stench

of all the souls I collected

on behalf of the god your poor soul neglected.







Piss Ants, Bedbugs and other Annoying Shit ......sic

An arsehole has no sense, it squezzes because it must

A knee-jerk reaction

A tapp on your senses a reminder to expell

Damn my mother she condemned me to hell

A slapp on the the bum and im aliv

A cunt flapp and here i am.

My ankles wiigle their wy out of the womb

And my wrists are bound to my head

I was dead before born

At 9 months of age i was was pumped out

Only pysical, only srenuous and bleeding and screaming out my lungs

for a lifebetter than mums

Is lucky im a boy, i only suffer

But my mother gets ton plead non-responsiblr

Itisbup to hubby to provide

And i curl in bed, my mind cannot beread

And my sllep is diturbed by the demons of birth

I roll all night uphill just so i can roll down

I awake wondereing if it was vadream or are you around

Adonut without a hole

A partial animal withoutv a soul.